2024 re-release battery life

I got the pink tama for Christmas (25th December) and bought myself the clear plastic one a few days later (28th December)

The battery on the pink one has died three times! (First was the factory battery, second and third time were batteries I bought, which have been fine for other things like AirTags and car keys)

The clear plastic tamagotchi battery hasn’t died once, it’s still on the factory battery. I don’t really want to replace the pink one cos I’m already on my 2G tamagotchi :( Has anyone else experienced this?

I don’t see how one is fine and the other isn’t!

I got the pink tama for Christmas (25th December) and bought myself the clear plastic one a few days later (28th December)

The battery on the pink one has died three times! (First was the factory battery, second and third time were batteries I bought, which have been fine for other things like AirTags and car keys)

The clear plastic tamagotchi battery hasn’t died once, it’s still on the factory battery. I don’t really want to replace the pink one cos I’m already on my 2G tamagotchi :( Has anyone else experienced this?

I don’t see how one is fine and the other isn’t!